Visit the following links to find out more information about Pregnancy and Birth:

  • Availability of Birth Skills book in the USA.

    Visit the website at

  • The Childbirth Education Association - established in 1961. A non profit organisation, with the primary aim of promoting self-reliance and confidence in pregnant women and their partners by preparing them physically and mentally for a positive birthing and parenting experience. The Association runs pre-natal classes in various location throughout the Sydney metro region.

    Visit the website at

  • Carol Fallows - one of Australia's leading writers on pregnancy, parenting and Australian history. Also provides editing and research services and project management of books, magazines and newsletters.

    Visit the website at

  • Pregnancy Exercise website - Visit the website of expert physiotherapist Jane Simons, who conducts specialised pregnancy exercise classes for pregnant and post partum women. Jane, a leader in her field, combines Yoga, Pilates, posture, backcare and pelvic floor instruction in her programme. There is even a "Grandmothers Class."

    Visit the website at

  • Starnberg Medical and EPI-NO - was developed in Germany by an obstetrician, and midwives, as a Childbirth Trainer used to prepare the perineum, and reduce the risk of tears, and episiotomy during childbirth. Clinical studies have shown a link between perineal injuries during childbirth, the risk of incontinence, and sexual health. EPI-NO offers women considering Caesarean Section another option. EPI-NO can be used early in pregnancy to strengthen the Pelvic Floor muscles (exercising) prior to commencing Childbirth Training (preparing the perineum) from Week 36 of pregnancy. Following the birth (4-6 weeks) Pelvic Floor exercises can recommence. EPI-NO is clinically proven to significantly increase the chances of an intact perineum, increases control during delivery, and is more effective than perineal massage. Visit the Starnberg Medical website for more information or call 1300 737 972.

    Visit the website at